/* the message */

If you want money, we will collect enough money for you .
If you want leadership, we will take you as our leader .
If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us
If you want a wife, we would lead you to the most beautiful woman.
What would you answer if all this was offer to you ??
Know him First then decide ...
It Is your decision...


/* the message */

الخميس، 17 فبراير 2011

The Forgiveness of Muhammad Shown to Non-Muslims

The mercy of the Prophet even extended to those who brutally killed
and then mutilated the body of his uncle Hamzah, one of the most
beloved of people to the Prophet.  Hamzah was one of the earliest to
accept Islam and, through his power and position in the Quraishite
hierarchy, diverted much harm from the Muslims.  An Abyssinian
slave of the wife of Abu Sufyan, Hind, sought out and killed Hamzah in
the battle of Uhud.  The night before the victory of Mecca, Abu Sufyan
accepted Islam, fearing the vengeance of the Prophet, may the mercy
and blessings of God be upon him.  The latter forgave him and sought
no retribution for his years of enmity.
After Hind had killed Hamzah she mutilated his body by cutting his
chest and tearing his liver and heart into pieces.  When she quietly
came to the Prophet and accepted Islam, he recognized her but did not
say anything.  She was so impressed by his magnanimity and stature
that she said, “O Messenger of God, no tent was more deserted in my
eyes than yours; but today no tent is more lovely in my eyes than
Ikrama, son of Abu Jahl, was a great enemy of the Prophet and Islam. 
He ran away after the victory of Mecca and went to Yemen.  After his
wife embraced Islam,  she brought him to the Prophet Muhammad
under her protection.  He was so pleased to see him that he greeted
him with the words:
“O emigrant rider, welcome.”
Safwan bin Umaya, one of the chiefs of Mecca, was also a great enemy
of Muhammad and Islam.  He promised a reward to Umair ibn Wahab
if he managed to kill Muhammad.  When Mecca was conquered,
Safwan ran away to Jeddah in the  hope of finding a berth that would
take him to Yemen by sea.  Umair ibn Wahab came to Muhammad and
said, “O Messenger of God!  Safwan ibn Umayya,  a chief of his tribe,
has run away from fear of what you might do to him and threatens to
cast himself into the sea.”  The Prophet sent him a  guarantee of
protection and, when he returned, he requested Muhammad to give
him two months to come to a decision..  He was given four months,
after which he became a Muslim by his own will.
Habir ibn al-Aswad was another vicious enemy of Muhammad and
Islam. He inflicted a serious injury to Zainab, daughter of the Noble
Prophet when she decided to migrate to Medina.  She was pregnant
when she started her migration, and the polytheists of Mecca tried to
stop her from leaving.  This particular man, Habbar bin al-Aswad,
physically assaulted her and intentionally caused her to fall down from
her camel.  Her fall had caused her to miscarry her baby, and she
herself, was badly hurt.  He had committed many other crimes against
Muslims as well.  He wanted flee to Persia but, when he decided to
come to Muhammad instead, the Prophet magnanimously forgave him.
The tribe of Quraish the were archenemies of Islam and, for a period
of thirteen years while he was still in Mecca, they would rebuke the
Prophet, taunt and mock him, beat him and abuse him, both physically
and mentally.  They placed the afterbirth of a camel on his back while
he prayed, and they boycotted him and his tribe until the social
sanctions became unbearable.  They plotted and attempted to kill him
on more than one occasion, and when the Prophet escaped to Medina,
they rallied the majority of the Arab tribes and waged many wars
against him.  Yet, when he entered Mecca victorious with an army of
10,000, he did not take revenge on anyone.  The Prophet said to the
“O people of Quraish!  What do you think I will do to you?
Hoping for a good response, they said: “You will do good.  You are a
noble brother, son of a noble brother.”
The Prophet then said:
“Then I say to you what Joseph said to his brothers: ‘There is no blame
upon you.’  Go!  For you all free!.”[1]
Rarely in the annals of history can we read such an instance of
forgiveness. Even his deadliest enemy Abu Sufyan, who led so many
battles against Islam, was forgiven, as was any person who stayed in his
house and did not come to fight him.
The Prophet was all for forgiveness and no amount of crime or
aggression against him was too great to be forgiven by him.  He was
the complete example of forgiveness and kindness, as mentioned in the
following verse of the Quran:
“Keep to forgiveness (O Muhammad), and enjoin kindness, and turn
away from the ignorant.” (Quran 7:199)
He always repelled evil with the good of forgiveness and kind behavior
for, in his view, an antidote was better than poison.  He believed and
practiced the precept that love could foil hatred, and aggression could
be won over by forgiveness.  He overcame the ignorance of the people
with the knowledge of Islam, and the folly and evil of the people with
his kind and forgiving treatment.  With his forgiveness, he freed people
from the bondage of sin and crime, and also made them great friends of
Islam.  He was an epitome of the verse of the Quran:
“Good and evil are not alike.  Repel evil with what is better.  Then he,
between whom and you there was hatred, will become as though he
was a bosom friend.” (Quran 41:34)

The Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon
him, was described as a “Mercy for all the Worlds”, as God said in the
“We have sent you as a mercy for all the worlds.” (Quran 21:107)
The recipients of this quality were not limited to just the Muslim
nation, but it also extended to non-Muslims, some of who spent all their
effort trying to harm the Prophet and his mission.  This mercy and
forgiveness is clearly demonstrated in the fact that the Prophet, may
the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, never took revenge on
anyone for personal reasons and always forgave even his staunch
enemies.  Aisha said that the Prophet never took revenge on his own
behalf on anyone.  She also said that he never returned evil for evil, but
he would forgive and pardon.  This will, God willing, become clear
after a deep analysis of the following accounts of his life.
In the earlier portion of his mission, the Prophet traveled to the city of
Taif, a city located in the mountains nearby to Mecca, in order to
invite them to accept Islam.  The leaders of Taif, however, were rude
and discourteous in their treatment of the Prophet.  Not being content
with their insolent attitude towards him, they even stirred up some
gangs of the town to harass him.  This riff-raff followed the Prophet
shouting at and abusing him, and throwing stones at him, until he was
compelled to take refuge in an orchard.  Thus the Prophet had to
endure even more obstacles in Taif than he had had to face in Mecca. 
These ruffians, stationed either side of the path, threw stones at him
until his feet were injured and smeared with blood.  These oppressions
so grievously dejected the Prophet and plunged him into in such a state
of depression that a prayer, citing his helplessness and pitiable
condition and seeking the aid of God, spontaneously came from his
“O God, to You I complain of my weakness, lack of resources and
humiliation before these people.  You are the Most Merciful, the Lord
of the weak and my Master.  To whom will You consign me?  To one
estranged, bearing ill will, or an enemy given power over me?  If You
do not assign me any worth, I care not, for Your favor is abundant
upon me.  I seek refuge in the light of Your countenance by which all
darkness is dispelled and every affair of this world and the next is set
right, lest Thy anger should descend upon me or Your displeasure light
upon me.  I need only Your pleasure and satisfaction for only You
enable me to do good and evade the evil.  There is no power and no
might but You.”
The Lord then sent the angel of mountains, seeking the permission of
the Prophet to join together the two hills and crush the city of Taif,
between which it was located.  Out of his great tolerance and mercy,
the Messenger of God replied,
“No!  For, I hope that God will bring forth from their loins people who
will worship God alone, associating nothing with Him.” (Saheeh
His mercy and compassion was so great that on more than one
occasion, God, Himself, reprimanded him for it.  One of the greatest
opponents of Islam and a personal enemy, was Abdullah bin Ubayy, the
leader of the hypocrites of Medina.  Outwardly proclaiming Islam, he
surreptitiously inflicted great harm to the Muslims and the mission of
the Prophet.  Knowing his state of affairs, the Prophet Muhammad still
offered the funeral prayer for him and prayed to God for his
forgiveness.  The Quran mentions this incident in these words:
“And never (O Muhammad) pray for one of them who dies, nor stand
by his grave.  Lo!  They disbelieve in God and His Messenger, and they
died while they were evil doers.” (Quran 9:84)
Abdullah bin Ubayy worked all his life against Muhammad and Islam
and left no stone unturned so as to bring him into disrepute and try to
defeat his mission.  He withdrew his three hundered supporters in the
battle of Uhud and thus almost broke the backbone of the Muslims at
one stroke.  He engaged in intrigues and acts of hostility against the
Prophet of Islam and the Muslims.  It was he who tried to bring shame
to the Prophet by inciting his allies to falsely accuse the Prophet’s wife,
Aisha, of adultery in order to discredit him and his message

then :
I would like to invite you to islam ,i know it`s weird to receive such a
mail from someone you don`t know, but actually it`s important that
each person on the planet of earth to receive the universal message, &
the last one, which is islam.
i know that you may have some doubts about islam , or maybe you
never thought about it, but actually when you discover the beauty of
that message, which isn`t only a religion or faith to have it in the heart,
it`s a daily practicing thing, that you can`t stop thinking of.
it doesn`t prevent you from doing your usual things, on the contrary, it
does encourage you to keep practicing them , & not preventing
yourself from anything, only prevents you from doing things that may
harm you or harm others.
also ,the entertainment activities you like to practice, may cause you to
gain a reward by doing them, because it simply releases your energy &
directs you towards positive things, & prevents you from negative
islam does make you fulfill all aspects of life , your spirit, your body &
your mind.
it does not give one side a priority over the other , each is important, &
each must be taking care of.
hope that you would give it a thought, i`m really looking forward to
receive your reply, & i`m willing to answer any doubt you have in
mind about islam (by the will of god)
thank you very much for listening.
for more information about islam please visit:
hearing holy Quran and  Islamic Athan:
please visit the new group on Google :
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thank you for your visiting.

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