/* the message */

If you want money, we will collect enough money for you .
If you want leadership, we will take you as our leader .
If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us
If you want a wife, we would lead you to the most beautiful woman.
What would you answer if all this was offer to you ??
Know him First then decide ...
It Is your decision...


/* the message */

السبت، 10 ديسمبر 2011

No one died for you !!!!!

hi ,
Did Jesus die for you ??? do you believe that ??

Muslims do not believe that , they believe in Jesus as a prophet and a kindness man because the christianity base have a lot of Contradictions

let me explain ,please see this video at :

for more information about Quran ,Muhammad and Islam ,please visit :

thank you for your visiting

الخميس، 22 سبتمبر 2011

The important famous book "choose your path" for you

if you want and like reading ,may be you are happy now to know this.
important e-book for you , the book's name is : "Choose your path", to decide you path in your life.
many people in the world and many internet users interested in this book , this book is not too long ,this book give you the summary and result.
for free download please visit :
please share and send this message to your friends.
thank you for your visiting.

الاثنين، 12 سبتمبر 2011

if you want money,wife and leadership....

If you want money, we will collect enough money for you .
If you want leadership, we  will take you as our leader .
If you want a kingdom, we will crown you king over us
If you want a wife, we would lead you to the most beautiful woman.
What would you answer if all this was offer to you ??
Know him First then decide ...
It Is your decision...
please visit to know:

السبت، 2 يوليو 2011


Literature and poetry have been instruments of
human expression and creativity, in all cultures.
The world also witnessed an age when literature
and poetry occupied pride of position, similar to that
now enjoyed by science and technology.
Even non-Muslim scholars agree that the Qur’an is
Arabic literature par excellence – that it is the best
Arabic literature on the face of the earth. The Qur’an
challenges mankind to produce the likes of it:
“And if ye are in doubt
as to what We have revealed
from time to time to Our servant,
then produce a Surah like
and call your witnesses or helpers
(if there are any) besides Allah,
if your (doubts) are true.
“But if ye cannot –
and of a surety you cannot –
then fear the Fire
whose fuel is Men and Stones –
which is prepared for those
who reject Faith.”
[Al-Qur’an 2:23-24](1)
The challenge of the Qur’an, is to produce a single
Surah (chapter) like the Surahs it contains. The same
challenge is repeated in the Qur’an several times.
The challenge to produce a Surah, which, in beauty,
eloquence, depth and meaning is at least somewhat
similar to a Qur’anic Surah remains unmet to this day.
A modern rational man, however, would never accept
a religious scripture which says, in the best possible
poetic language, that the world is flat. This is because
we live in an age, where human reason, logic and science
are given primacy. Not many would accept the Qur’an’s
extraordinarily beautiful language, as proof of its
Divine origin. Any scripture claiming to be a divine
revelation must also be acceptable on the strength of its
own reason and logic.
According to the famous physicist and Nobel Prize
winner, Albert Einstein, “Science without religion is
lame. Religion without science is blind.” Let us therefore
study the Qur’an, and analyze whether the Qur’an and
Modern Science are compatible or incompatible?
The Qur’an is not a book of Science but a book of
‘Signs’, i.e. Aayaats. There are more than six thousand
‘Signs’ in the Qur’an of which more than a thousand
deal with hard core Science.
We all know that many a times Science takes a ‘U-turn’.
In this book I have considered only established scientific
facts and not hypotheses and theories based on mere
assumptions and not backed by proof.
(1) Al-Qur’an 2:23-24 indicates Surah or Chapter No. 2 and Aayaat
or Verses 23 and 24. The same notation is followed throughout
this book. References and translation of the Qur’an are from
the translation of the Qur’an by Abdullah Yusuf Ali, new revised
edition, 1989, published by Amana Corporation, Maryland, USA.
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الأربعاء، 29 يونيو 2011


hi ,
“He makes you,
in the wombs of your mothers,
in stages, one after another,
in three veils of darkness.”
[Al-Qur’an 39:6]
According to Prof. Keith Moore, these three veils of
darkness in the Qur’an refer to:
(i) anterior abdominal wall of the mother
(ii) the uterine wall
(iii) the amnio-chorionic membrane.

for more information about islam please visit :
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الخميس، 5 مايو 2011

Miracles in the Holy Quran :DARKNESS IN DEPTHS OF OCEAN

hey ,

Miracles in the Holy Quran :DARKNESS IN DEPTHS OF OCEAN
Prof. Durga Rao is a world renowned expert in the
field of Marine Geology and was a professor at King
Abdul Aziz University in Jeddah. He was asked to
comment on the following verse:
“Or (the Unbelievers’ state)
is like the depths of darkness
in a vast deep ocean,overwhelmed with billow
topped by billow,
topped by (dark) clouds:
depths of darkness,
one above another:
if a man stretches out his hand,
he can hardly see it!
For any to whom Allah
giveth not light,
there is no light!”
[Al-Qur’an 24:40]
Prof. Rao said that scientists have only now been
able to confirm, with the help of modern equipment,
that there is darkness in the depths of the ocean.
Humans are unable to dive unaided underwater for
more than 20 to 30 metres, and cannot survive in
the deep oceanic regions at a depth of more than
200 metres. This verse does not refer to all seas
because not every sea can be described as having
accumulated darkness layered one over another. It
refers especially to a deep sea or deep ocean, as the
Qur’an says, “darkness in a vast deep ocean”. This
layered darkness in a deep ocean is the result of two
1. A light ray is composed of seven colours seen
in the rainbow. These seven colours are Violet,Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red
(VIBGYOR). The light ray undergoes
refraction when it hits water. The upper 10 to
15 metres of water absorb the red colour.
Therefore, if a diver is 25 metres under water
and gets wounded, he would not be able to see
the red colour of his blood, because the red
colour does not reach this depth. Similarly,
orange rays are absorbed at 30 to 50 metres,
yellow at 50 to 100 metres, green at 100 to 200
metres, and finally, blue beyond 200 metres
and violet and indigo above 200 metres. Due to
successive disappearance of colour, one layer
after another, the ocean progressively becomes
darker, i.e. darkness takes place in layers of
light. Below a depth of 1000 meters there is
complete darkness.(1)
(1) Oceans, Elder and Pernetta, p. 27
2. The sun’s rays are absorbed by clouds which in
turn scatter light rays thus causing a layer of
darkness under the clouds. This is the first
layer of darkness. When light rays reach the
surface of the ocean they are reflected by the
wave surface giving it a shiny appearance.
Therefore, it is the waves which reflect light
and cause darkness. The unreflected light
penetrates into the depths of the ocean. Thus,
the ocean has two parts. The surface
characterized by light and warmth and the
depth characterized by darkness.
The surface is further separated from the deep part of the ocean
by waves.
The internal waves cover the deep waters of
seas and oceans because the deep waters have
a higher density than the waters above them.
The darkness begins below the internal waves.
Even the fish in the depths of the ocean cannot
see; their only source of light is from their own
The Qur’an describes this aptly:
“Darkness in a vast deep ocean overwhelmed with
waves topped by waves”.
In other words, above these waves there are more
types of waves, i.e. those found on the surface of
the ocean. The Qur’anic verse continues, “topped
by (dark) clouds; depths of darkness, one above
These clouds as explained are barriers one over the
other that further cause darkness by absorption of
colours at different levels.
Prof. Durga Rao concluded by saying, “1400 years
ago a normal human being could not explain this
phenomenon in so much detail. Thus the
information must have come from a supernatural

“It is He Who has
Created man from water:
then has He established
relationships of lineage
and marriage:
for thy Lord has power
(over all things).”
[Al-Qur’an 25:54]
Was it possible 14 centuries ago for any human
being to guess that every living being was made
from water? Moreover would such a guess be
conceivable by a human being in the deserts of
Arabia where there has always been scarcity of
1 The reference for this statment is the video tape titled ‘This is the
Truth’. For a copy of this video tape contact the Islamic Research

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